We are the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organization auxiliary with nearly 465,000 members representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and several foreign locations (Germany, Guam and Panama). Our members are relatives of those who have served in overseas combat. For more than 100 years, we have been supporting the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving veterans and their families, active-duty military and their families, and spreading patriotism nationwide.
During the 2014-2015 Program Year, VFW Auxiliary members:
- Provided $4.6 million dollars in monetary aid to veterans, active-duty military and their families
- Volunteered nearly 800,000 hours in VA Medical Centers, hospitals, nursing homes and veterans home
- Made more than 131,000 legislative contacts to help pass or block important bills
- Awarded $146,000 in scholarships
- Worked with more than 285,000 youth
- Distributed more than 332,000 American Flags
Join us and proudly serve veterans, the military and their families, and your community in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.